Infographics & Illustration

Infographics & Illustration

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

I created many infographics while at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The biggest challenge was designing engaging visuals that included all the necessary text without being overwhelming or disheartening. Illustrations and bright colors help group information and a visual hierarchy for fonts allows viewers to skim the most important elements. The overarching goal was to convey the message of hope that Dana-Farber spreads to those struggling with cancer, and show that it can be overcome.

I also applied my fine art skills at Dana-Farber with various illustrations. While not all the illustrations were used, Taking Aim with Neoantigens was used on the cover and in a full spread in the annual magazine, Paths of Progress, which was designed by John DiGianni. Illustrations were a challenge because I had to create visuals for complex — and oftentimes abstract — scientific ideas in an appealing and relatable manner.

A Few Facts About…

As a personal project I have been learning about edible wild things and have started putting together short and succinct infographics to illustrate what I have learned. Some things I have foraged and eaten and others I just leave behind to enjoy visually!

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